Improving our daily diet is the first step to a healthier lifestyle.
Drink plenty of hydrating fluids e.g. spring, mineral or filtered water. herbal teas, including green tea.
Dilute fruit and vegetable juices 50:50 with water.
Cut down on caffeine.
Eat less sugary foods e.g. sweets, cakes, biscuits and chocolate. Eat Fresh fruit instead or snack on nuts!
Check for 'hidden' sugars in processed foods, e.g. sauces, soups and cereals. Look for unsweetened alternatives or make your own.
Add less salt to food or switch to low-sodium salt.
Eat more fibre e.g. wholemeal bread, brow rice, wholewheat pasta, oatmeal, quinoa millet, corn and flax seeds.
Drink less beer, spirits and white wine, Red wine contains potent antioxidants, so the occasional glass is considered acceptable.
Eat plenty of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils e.g. fish oils, flax seeds, hemp seeds, olive oil, sunflower seeds and walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and avocados.
Cut down on saturated fats e.g 'junk food', ready-made meals, takeaways and red meat (especially sausages, burgers and tined meats).
Avoid harmful 'trans' fats found in crisps, chips and food fried in polyunsaturated oils.
Avoid 'hydrogenated' fats e.g. margarine, biscuits and sweet snacks.
Eat at least 5-10 portions (1 portion is 80g) of fruit and vegetables, make sure to add variety of colour and have organic where possible.
Avoid artificial preservatives, sweeteners, colours and flavourings.
Eat a little piece of protein at each meal.
It seems like a lot but if you just start by introducing one to two changes listed above every day you'll be able to make it a habit and live a healthy lifestyle :)